General Hydrogen
- IPHE Home Page
- IEA Hydrogen Program
- General Hydrogen - Industry News
- EERE Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program Home Page
- International Clearinghouse H2
- California Hydrogen Business Council - Welcome to the California Hydrogen Business Council
- HyWeb - Wasserstoff Brennstoffzelle Hydrogen Fuel Cell Information
- H2 Expo
- Risoe Energy Report 3 - Hydrogen and its competitors
- Nordic H2 Energy Foresight
Thermophysical Properties of H2 provided by NIST - General Information on H2 and FCs by FSV (in german)
- Hydrogen Research Centre
- NHC Florida
- ZBT Duisburg
- H.I.A.T.
- Austrian Hycenta
- Australian Hydrogen Research Centre
- Hydrogenius
Hydrogen Safety
- EC NoE HySafe
- Topic Hydrogen Safety
- hydrogensafety - company "selling" hydrogen safety
- Google search for "hydrogen safety"
- Demonstartion of Hydrogen Safety in Appice - Newsletter of Spanish H2 Asssociation
Material compatibility database of the DoE - Hydrogen safety for first responders of the DoE / Hammer facility
- H2 Best Practices of PNL (US)
Experience Databases
- HySafe HIAD
- Detonation database of Joe Shepherd
- fuelcellsensor
Hydrogen Sensors
- H2scan - Hydrogen specific sensor techniques
- SBUV - Hydrogen fire detectors
- fuelcellsensor
- fluidcomponents/ProdST75.asp
Rules, Codes & Standards and Guidelines
- ANSI Codes and Standards Portal
- ISO Portal
- CEN Portal
- CENELEC Portal
- US Model Code ICC
- US Model Code NFPA
- US Model Code HIPOC
- EIGA public documents
- Regulators' Guide to Permitting Hydrogen Technologies
- Hydrogen Safety Report - monthly codes and standards publication of the National Hydrogen Association
- FuelCellStandards.com
- DOE Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program Safety, Codes and Standards
- US DOT Hydrogen Portal
- hydrogen.gov/regulations
- First RC&S Workshop of the HFP
- EC Project HarmonHy
- EC Project HyApproval
- EC Project HyPer
- Maxiquest FP5 project for pre-normative research - standards
CFD Links
- ERCOFTAC (guidelines,...)
- CFD online
- Elmer Open Source FEM CFD
- FLACS - GexCon
- CFD2005 - Adaptive Research
- NASA - National Combustion Code
- NIST Fire Dynamic Simulator
- OpenFOAM - OpenCFD
- Fluidyn
- Dolfyn
- CartaBlanca
- ansys/autoreagas
- cd-adapco (star-cd,...)
- flomerics
- HySafe - e-Academy
- www.h2education.com
- European Natural Gas Vehicle Association - with safety courses
- Postgraduate Certificate Course in Hydrogen Safety Engineering
- European Summer School on Hydrogen Safety (HySafe - e-Academy)
Hydrogen Production and Storage
- International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI)
- Solar Production Pyronsolar
- Hexion - reformers, solid storages, etc.
- Wasserstofftank - German Network for High Pressure H2 Storage
Hydrogen Vehicles and Filling Stations
- 2nd FC Bus Meeting in Porto
- Fuel Cell Bus Club (CUTE, ECTOS, STEP)
- CEP Clean Energy Partnership
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Cars Business H2CARSBIZ
- EV World The World of Electric, Hybrid, Fuel Cell and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Fuel Cell Marathon
- H2 Refuelling Stations
- HyNor – The Hydrogen Road of Norway
- H2 Vehicles
- Hydrogen Cars
- HyFish
- HyRail
Fuel Cells (FC)
- California FC Partnership
- Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter
- Fuel Cell Europe
- Fuel Cell Today - Opening doors to fuel cells commercialisation
- Heliocentris - Produkte
- siGEN
- Spanish FC Asssociation
- Scottish FC Association
- US FC Council
National Associations, Projects and Programs
- European Hydrogen Association
- National Hydrogen Association
- Canadian Hydrogen Association
- French Hydrogen Association
- Dutch Hydrogen Association
- Russian Hydrogen Association
- Canadian Hydrogen Economy Portal
- Wasserstoff-Gesellschaft Hamburg
- German Hydrogen Association DWV
- Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung (ZSW) Baden-Württemberg
EC Related Links
Projects and Publications
- European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Towards FP7 StorHy Home Page - NATURALHY Home Page
- Fuel Cell Bus Club (CUTE, ECTOS, STEP)
- PREMIA - effectiveness of support programmes to facilitate the market introduction of alternative motor fuels in EU
- European Integrated Hydrogen Project EIHP
- HyWays Home Page
- HyCARE - environmental impacts of a future hydrogen economy
- H2 and FC related Publications
- ECTOS Iceland FC Bus Project
- FiT - Fire in Tunnel Thematic Network
- European Process Safety Centre
- Technology Platform for Industrial Safety
- European Hydrogen Association
- www.roads2hy.com
- HFP project database
- Rules for participation
- Guides for new proposals
- New Instruments
- model contracts
- HYPERION Home Page
- German-European coordination of scientific organisations
- AlphaGalileo.Org - the Internet-based News Centre
- Useful Websites
- Milliarium, Administration software
- Paliament Magazine
- EurActiv
- NetworkOfNoEs