
Format of the files to submit containing the results of the SBEP V2

*Note: ORG is the acronym (max. 3 letters) of the participant organisation. In case a participant is submitting results with more than one code or model, add lowercase letters a, b, c, … to the ORG acronym.

Preffered way to upload files is to group files into .zip archive. Archives should be named as (,, … if multiple variants are uploaded).

Files should be uploaded via upload page in documents area. Files should be marked with appropriate keyword (SBEP-V2). Access group should be probably set to WP3.

General Note: Since often ignition in numerical simulation is not very well defined procedure, the time scale can be shifted in comparison with the experiments. Therefore, exact timing in V2.9 to V2.13 is not so critical, but you could shift all your data in time looking to provide the best reproduction of the experimental data. This is also valid for pressure histories, referred in V2.3 - V2.8. If such shift is performed, then explanation of the reasons and the value of this shift has to be specified in section V2.1.

SBEP-V2: Fh-ICT Balloon Test. Results to be reported by participants File name* and type of file

Description of the model, including governing equations, initial and boundary conditions for simulations, numerical details (solution method, discretisation schemes, etc); what model parameters if any were adjusted to match the experimental data.

Used code and its version.

Description of the grid and/or picture of the grid cross section in a vertical plane crossing the vertical axis of the hemisphere; characteristic mesh sizes; total number of control volumes in the grid(s); effect of the grid size on simulation results;

Computer equipment used (operating system, CPU number, type and clock speed, RAM) and CPU time, required for simulations (for each different grid used).

V21-ORG.doc(MSWord file)
V2.2 A graph with simulated dynamics of the averaged flame front radius with time compared to experimental flame front propagation dynamics given.

V22-ORG.txt(ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and radius (m)

and V22-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.3 A graph with the simulated pressure histories obtained at the location of the first pressure gauge (distance R=2 m from the centre of the hemisphere).

V23-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

and V23-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.4 A graph with the simulated pressure dynamics obtained at the location of the second pressure gauge (distance R=5 m from the centre of the hemisphere)

V24-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

and V24-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.5 A graph with the simulated pressure dynamics obtained at the location of the third pressure gauge (distance R=8 m from the centre of the hemisphere)

V25-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

and V25-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.6 A graph with the simulated pressure dynamics obtained at the location of the fourth pressure gauge (distance R=18 m from the centre of the hemisphere)

V26-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

and V26-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.7 A graph with the simulated pressure dynamics obtained at the location of the fifth pressure gauge (distance R=35 m from the centre of the hemisphere)

V27-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

and V27-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.8 A graph with the simulated pressure dynamics obtained at the location of the sixth pressure gauge (distance R=80 m from the centre of the hemisphere)

V28-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: time (s) and pressure values (bar)

V28-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.9 Simulated flame front surface profiles at time corresponding to experimental t=60 ms

V29-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: x – y position of the flame front contour (m)

andV29-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.10 Simulated flame front surface profiles at time corresponding to experimental t=120 ms

V210-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: x – y position of the flame front contour (m)

and V210-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.11 Simulated flame front surface profiles at time corresponding to experimental t=180 ms

V211-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: x – y position of the flame front contour (m)

and V211-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)


Simulated flame front surface profiles at time corresponding to experimental t=240 ms

V212-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: x – y position of the flame front contour (m)

and V212-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.13 Simulated flame front surface profiles at time corresponding to experimental t=300 ms

V213-ORG.txt (ASCII file) containing two columns: x – y position of the flame front contour (m)

and V213-ORG.xls(MSExcel file) (optional)

V2.14 Video animation of the deflagration front propagation (2D or 3D). Arbitrary scene and point of view (optional) V214-ORG.mpg, avi or vmf (Try to reduce file size at the maximum level not to lose quality of information)