
Scenario and Phenomena Ranking


  • Develop a single integrating approach for identification and prioritisation of phenomena / scenario hazards based on different tools such as HAZID, PIRT etc to provide input to activities in V1, V2, V3 and V4.
  • Facilitate a closer cooperation, understanding and harmonisation of approaches between risk assessment specialist groups in HySafe. All HySafe partners should contribute to the HySafe Scenario and Phenomena Ranking exercises.
  • Provide input to HySafe - BRHS.

Description of work

The Work Package will be co-ordinated jointly by DNV and CEA.

Sub-task 4.1. Identification of available tools/methodologies.

Development of methodologies and definition of objectives.

First 6 months:

The initial activity will be to arrange a workshop to present the available tools and methodologies and to define the objectives. CEA, DNV, NH and other partners will contribute to development of methodologies. NH will prepare a document considering relevant methodologies used in NH with emphasis on how such tools can be used for hydrogen applications.

The next months (until 6th month) will be used to come to a common agreement on the "rules" and contents of the exercise, whether and how voting on issues should be performed, and how to reach consensus.

Sub-task 4.2 Scenario and Phenomena Ranking studies.

During months 6 to 17 Scenario and Phenomena Ranking activity sessions will be undertaken. NH will contribute with technical input to the scenarios within H1, H2 and H3, and might arrange a HySafe Scenario and Phenomena Ranking workshop at a NH hydrogen refuelling station.

The Scenarios Ranking methodologies will be updated and refined depending on feedback received from participants.