


Identify hazard scenarios and existing mitigation techniques for hydrogen fires and explosion. For different hazard scenarios, discuss possible mitigation methods to avoid or limit consequences of explosions and fires.

Identify scenarios for which improved mitigation methods are needed. Plan experiments to verify promising protection concepts

Description of work

Sub-task 11.1 Review of available mitigation tests and proposals to SBEP.

Partners will scan and prepare existing data on hydrogen mitigation techniques for SBEP. Sources of information will be the scientific literature, as well as the data of partners, who are willing to share their data within the network.

Lead GexCon: Partners: All WP11 participants to contribute.

Sub-task 11.2 Proposals for tests / other activities

Work to identify possible mitigation concepts for situations not well enough protected by existing mitigation methods. Work groups are established based on interests and experience. The work groups discuss potential methods for improved protection. If promising concepts are identified, work is carried out to prepare proposals for experiments and/or modelling. Review of proposals and submission to WP7.

Lead GexCon: Partners: All WP11 participants to contribute. Responsibilities will be distributed based on experience and focus area of the different participants.

Sub-task 11.3. Detail future work.

All partners will perform a critical assessment of WP10 progress using input from WP7 to detail future activities.

Lead GexCon: Partners: All WP11 participants to contribute.