
Organisation Name of facility Type of facility Scale
BAM Facility for testing and calibration of gas sensor test gas mixture system and test chamber lab scale
BAM Fire testing rig open propane gas fire full scale
BAM Hydraulic cycling equipment - full scale
BAM Open air test site Horstwalde open air test site full scale
BAM Tribometers for oscillating or sliding friction PT1, CT2, CT3 lab scale
FZK 12 m detonation tube (DT) cylindrical tube lab scale
FZK A1 Vessel cylindrical vessel large scale
FZK A3 Vessel cylindrical vessel large scale
FZK A6 Vessel cylindrical vessel large scale
FZK A8 Vessel cylindrical vessel large scale
FZK Explosion bomb Explosion bomb lab scale
FZK Flow Test Chamber (TC) rectangular chamber full scale
FZK HyJet horizontal/vertical hydrogen jet lab scale
FZK Partially Vented Explosion Tube (PET) cylindrical tube with variable opening lab scale
CEA GAMELAN cubic polycarbonate vessel lab scale
CEA MISTRA cylindrical steel vessel medium scale
Fh-ICT Device for flame jet ignition cylindrical vessel with vent o large scale
Fh-ICT Heatable high pressure vessel vessel lab scale
Fh-ICT High pressure vessel with windows 1 litre high pressure vessel with windows small scale
Fh-ICT Test stand closed test stand with blow-ou full scale
Fh-ICT Testing area open-air full scale
FZJ REKO-1 flow reactor small scale
FZJ REKO-2 pressure vessel small scale
FZJ REKO-3 flow reactor small scale
FZJ REKO-4 pressure vessel medium scale
GEXCON 1.2 m³ closed vessel explosion vessel small scale
GEXCON 1.4m channel explosion vessel small scale
GEXCON 168 m³ open geometry with internal obstructions explosion vessel large scale
GEXCON 1:3.2 scale offshore module explosion vessel large scale
GEXCON 20-litre spray vesse explosion vessel small scale
GEXCON 216 litre dispersion gas dispersion/explosion vesse --
GEXCON 3D corner explosion vessel small scale
GEXCON 50 m³ tube explosion vessel large scale
GEXCON 6m channel explosion vessel large scale
GEXCON Connected vessels explosion vessel small scale
HSE/HSL 366m gallery/tunnel Concrete test enclosure/tunnel full scale
HSE/HSL Frictional ignition apparatus Ignition test facility with vented explosion vessel enclosure full scale
HSE/HSL Gas dispersion facility Flat area suitable for characterising gas dispersion full scale
HSE/HSL Hydrogen jet release Gas supply and pipe work to enable pressurised releases full scale
HSE/HSL Impact test track Impact test facility full scale
HSE/HSL Jet fire facility LPG vapour jet fire facility full scale
HSE/HSL Ventilated dispersion and explosion facility Modular vented enclosure with integrated ventilation system full scale
INASMET Fatigue testing equipment Servohydraulic universal tensile testing machine lab scale
INASMET LECO TCH 600 - lab scale
INASMET NACE TM 01-77 testing equipment corrosion cells + load applying rings lab scale
INASMET SHS reactor - lab scale
INASMET SSRT equipment autoclave+ tensile testing --
INERIS 10 m³ chamber Dust-gas explosion room (DG10 m3) vented vessel large scale
INERIS 100 m³ chamber Dust-gas explosion room (DG100m3) vented vessel large scale
INERIS Burton 1000 b chamber closed vessel small scale
INERIS Flame Acceleration Pad (FAP) pipes large scale
INERIS Flexible Ignition Facilities (FIF) small vessel with various igniters small scale
INERIS High pressure-high temperature-2 m3 sphere closed vessel large scale
INERIS ISO-1 m³ chamber Dust-gas explosion room (DG1m3) vented or closed vessel large scale
INERIS Open Fire Area (OFA) large scale test area large scale
INERIS Sensors and Safety Devices Laboratory Environmental testing for explosive/toxic gases lab scale
INERIS The "Basket" large scale test area large scale
INERIS Unconfined Cloud Area (UCA) large scale test area large scale
JRC AMC Gas Reaction Controller Gas reaction controller - Volumetric sorption measurement apparatus lab scale
JRC Hiden Isochema Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser Gravimetric sorption measurement apparatus lab scale
JRC Sensor Testing Facility (SenTeF) Environmental sensor test bench lab scale
JRC SYSAF high-pressure facility (SYSAF bunker) N2-inertised room with pressure vessels all scale
TNO 1 litre vessel closed bomb lab scale
TNO 1 m³ vessel vessel (closed bomb) small scale
TNO 20 litre vessel closed bomb lab scale
TNO 5 m³ vessel (gas/dust explosions) vessel (closed bomb) medium scale
TNO 500 litre vessel closed bomb lab scale
TNO FAST (Flame Acceleration STudy facility) Open air gas explosion facility medium scale
TNO Gas Explosion Chamber cubic shaped vessel large scale
TNO GEFEF (Gas Flow Explosion Facility) flow reactor medium scale
TNO IBBC Bunker reinforced concrete bunker large scale
TNO Laboratory for Ballistic research (LBO) internal firing ranges and a massive target bunker medium scale
TNO Large Indoor Rocket Facility rocket test facility full scale
TNO Large scale Blast simulator long tube large scale
TNO Small scale blast simulator long tube small scale
TNO Test Facility 3 (TF3) H2/O2 igniter test facility full scale
UNIPI CVE Vented room large scale
UNIPI HPBT Pipeline large scale
WUT Detonation Tube square cross-section tube lab scale
KI Chamber Rectangular channel medium scale
KI Channel Rectangular channel medium scale
KI Driver cylindrical tube large scale
KI Globus spherical bomb medium scale
KI High Pressure Jet Facility (HPJF) open hydrogen gas fire --
KI Koper vented explosion chamber with semi-cylindrical volume full scale
KI Minirut system of channels small scale
KI RUT 2200 system of channels and chambers large scale
KI Sphere Semi-sphere for gaseous fuel air mixtures full scale
KI Spray Sprayer for liquid fuels full scale
KI Torpedo cylindrical tube large scale
KI Venting system of cylindrical tubes medium scale
KI Vortex explosion chamber medium scale