Material Compatibility and Structural Integrity
- To consolidate existing know-how in the field of material compatibility.
- To identify gaps in the understanding of engineering material.
- To support internal and external projects by recommending existing infrastructure and providing profound knowledge to all involved parties.
- To increase the fundamental understanding of the safety issues regarding solid-state hydrogen storage materials: especially release and reaction kinetics of light metal or alloyed storage media.
Description of work
Hydrogen components and hydrogen systems commonly involve a wide variety of materials, metallic and non-metallic (such as polymers). Each material that is involved should be carefully evaluated for its use in the design, operating, and emergency conditions to which it will be exposed. The selection of a material that is suitable for use in hydrogen system involves several factors as for example the compatibility with hydrogen (with concerns such as hydrogen embrittlement, hydrogen attack, hydriding, porosity, permeation and diffusion). Thus, some considerations, tests etc. are involved in the choice of a material to be used in a hydrogen system.
In the case of the Hydrogen storage some solid materials are considered a promising way from the safety point of view. Hydrides, some nano-structured carbon based materials, hollow glass microspheres and others are potential candidates. These materials have some special behaviour in reactions with the surrounding atmosphere and there are some risks associated.
The general aim of this work programme will be the critical assessment of the existing knowledge and the determination of critical gaps in the field of study.
Sub-task 18.1 Material compatibility
In the previous period of the work package several tests, standards, were identified as key in the assessment of the suitability of a material for its use in hydrogen components and systems.
In addition, several partners, not only inside the HySafe consortium but also outside, were identified as capable of performing such tests. This activity will continue during the next period.
Sub-task 18.2 Validation of hydrogen components and systems
A variety of experiments originating from scenarios like fatigue, corrosion, bonfire, permeation, rupture…as well as the approval of pressure relief devices, benign behaviour of system components to failure have to be performed in order to prove the system’s eligibility for different hydrogen applications as for example the automotive one. This activity will continue during the next period.
Sub-task 18.3 HyFrac - High purity hydrogen (HPH2) causing physical and chemical induced cracking
Investigation of the effect of HPH2 induced cracking
Recommendations for the safety aspects of the use of HPH2 in fuel cell cars
In order to investigate the effect of HPH2 induced cracking the following tasks are proposed:
Sub-task 18.3.1 “Review”
Prepare a list of available literature and summarise existing experience.
Sub-task 18.3.2 “Lab-scale material tests with different hydrogen purities”.
Sub-task lead: AL. Partners: BAM, Fh-ICT, INASMET, NH, Risø, UNIPI. Active Supporters: ET, INTA.
Sub-task 18.4 “HyNano”- Hazard characterisation procedures for nano-scaled solid storage materials
• The use of solid nano-scaled materials for hydrogen storage is considered a promising way from the efficiency and safety point of view.
• The risks associated with all the steps production and utilization of solid state nano-scaled materials for hydrogen storage needs to be quantitatively defined.
• The risks of accidents and possible reactions of the nano storage materials: rate of release depending on conditions, reaction of the residual nano-materials with surrounding atmospheres
Practical objectives of the sub-task:
• screen available safety test methodology applicable to solid storage materials
• suggest a suitable set of system-level tests for the determination of the hazard associated with nano-scaled solid hydrogen storage materials when exposed to air, water or other oxidizing agent in off-normal operation.
In the future the results of this activity can help to increase the fundamental understanding of the safety issues regarding solid-state hydrogen storage materials and to develop suitable methods for risk quantification of solid storage systems . However, these basic objectives are beyond the actual scope of this sub-task, but might motivate to transfer this into the IA HySafe.
Sub-task lead: Fh-ICT. Partners: BAM, FZK, HSE/HSL, INASMET, INERIS, Risø.
Synergy with other WPs
It will be important to have a link to WP2 (Integration of Experimental Facilities). The link between WP18 and WP 2 will be strengthened via joint meetings. Input is expected from this collaboration.
Lead: INASMET; Partners: AL, BAM, BMW, DNV, Fh-ICT, FZK, NH, Risø, UNIPI, KI