
Assessment of the demand for education
in Hydrogen Safety Engineering

Information submitted here is for research purposes only
See Dahoe A.E. and Molkov V.V. On the development of an international curriculum on hydrogen safety engineering and its implementation into educational programmes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32:1113-1120, 2007 for an example of how this information is used.

Click here to see the data submitted to the Questionnnaire.

Surname: First name(s):
Company/Institution: No. of employees:
Address: Postcode:
City/Area: Country:
Telephone: Fax:
Email: Url:

1. How many people in your company/institution are involved in hydrogen related activities?

Number of people involved in hydrogen related activities:

2. How would you categorise your company’s/institution’s hydrogen related activities?

Please give your estimate in values between 0% and 100%:

% Consulting % Manufacture % Design
% Teaching % Research % Operation
% Construction % Legislation % Disaster Management
% Other
If non-zero then clarify
under Question 6.

3. How would you categorise your company/institution in terms of its overall activities?

Please give your estimate in values between 0% and 100%:

% process industry % energy industry % oil & gas industry
% civil works % aerospace industry % automotive industry
% transport & distribution % fire & rescue brigades % insurance
% teaching institution % research institution % legislative body
% Other
If non-zero then clarify
under Question 6.

4. How many people in your company/institution might be interested in education on Hydrogen Safety Engineering each year?
Note: information submitted in this field does not imply any commitments. Universities need to know this number to allocate staff and resources for the provision of hydrogen safety education.
Number of people possibly interested:

5. What is the most beneficial for your company/institution in terms of continuing professional development of its employees?

Please give your estimate in values between 0% and 100%:

% Postgraduate Certificate % Postgraduate Diploma % Master of Science
% Short Courses    

6. Please enter your additional comments here.
Entries into the field 'Other' under Questions 2 and 3 can be clarified here.
Additional comments may also be submitted here.

Thank you for your cooperation!

File translated by Arief Dahoe from TEX using TTH, version 3.68.
On 03 Apr 2008, 01:26.