
The International Association for Hydrogen Safety HySafe (IA HySafe) will be the focal point for innovative, coordinated and cost effective hydrogen safety research, engineering, technology transfer, education and training.

The IA HySafe will facilitate communication between stakeholders, and the coordination, maintenance and development of the infrastructure and resources necessary for generating and disseminating knowledge to different groups of stakeholders. Based on a leading position in hydrogen safety research and development, the association will develop and maintain a strategic research agenda for hydrogen safety issues from a European perspective.

Stakeholders will benefit from cost effective research coordination, optimising the use of the best and most appropriate research facilities, state-of-the-art research and engineering tools, and from easy access to the extensive knowledge and expertise of IA HySafe’s human resources. Interested institutions or organisations may join or mandate IA HySafe to address hydrogen safety challenges in a coordinated and optimised manner, rather than conducting fragmented independent research with the related expense and inefficiencies that would entail.

The IA HySafe will provide the environment and framework for enhanced communication in the hydrogen safety community, and the resources to train and educate engineers, scientists and other technically orientated stakeholders in hydrogen safety up to an advanced level. The knowledge generated by HySafe will be continuously consolidated and communicated via dissemination activities such as conferences, publications and training courses. HySafe will provide a unique discussion forum for hydrogen safety experts to support international regulation and standardisation activities in the development of reliable, performance based approaches for hydrogen applications.

The activities of HySafe will be coordinated in an open and transparent manner, and financed by membership fees and other contributions. The ultimate aim of the IA HySafe is to support the introduction and sustainable development of hydrogen as a safe energy carrier.